
Raekallio Corp.
Raekallio Corp. is an independent dance company based in Helsinki, Finland, founded by choreographer/director Valtteri Raekallio. The company was awarded the Finland Prize in 2019.
Raekallio Corp. produces works by Valtteri Raekallio and others. The company's works include restagings of Tommi Kitti's artistic heritage and collaborative performances by the newer generation of Raekallio Corp's artists. The repertoire is composed of unique multidisciplinary, immersive site-specific works as well as stage productions designed for international touring and dance film projects.​​
Valtteri Raekallio's site-specific works include for example Valvojat (2023), which took place in Helsinki cityscape and Neuromaani (2016), which took over 100 rooms in a disused hospital in Helsinki and others. Neuromaani was commissioned by Helsinki Festival and co-produced by Zodiak – Centre for New Dance. Neuromaani sold-out 26 performances.
Orher site-specific works of the company include The School of Life (2022), Uranium Lamp (2021), Frame (2020), The Audience (2018), Short Stories from Forgotten Rooms (2015), The Representative (2014) and Where Does the Light Go? (2013).
In 2018, Raekallio Corp's work was seen at Aerowaves Twenty18 and the Ice Hot dance platform in Reykjavik and Raekallio Corp's touring works have included Recollections (2019), Oneiron (2018), A Performance (2016) and Rehearsal on Love (2015).
Raekallio Corp.is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, The Ministry of Culture, the city of Helsinki, the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Kone Foundation.
Official name of the association is POHJOINEN LIIKE RY (Y-tunnus: 2562687-8)
Board of the association POHJOINEN LIIKE RY in 2024: Riku Lievonen (chair), Merja Snellman, Thomas Freundlich, Jari Renko and Eino Santanen.
Accountant: Merja Hiltunen/Blond Accounts Oy,
Auditor: Johanna Guillou / JG Audit Oy.​​​​​
The Finnish National Theatre
Helsinki City Theatre
Helsinki Festival
Zodiak - Center for New Dance
Cirko - Center for New Circus
JoJo - Oulu Dance Center
Viirus theatre
Lumikinos Production Oy
Tanssin ja sirkuksen tiedotuskeskus
Arts Promotion Centre Finland
The Ministry of Education and Culture
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Kone Foundation
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
City of Helsinki Cultural Office
Samuel Huberin Taidesäätiö
Teaterstiftelsen Vivicas Vänner
Otavan kirjasäätiö